Wednesday, April 4, 2007

too early

It's so too early to be this tired. It's too early in a fight that I don't want to face ... too early in accepting the hurt ... the consequences that come from my sin ... I am a coward. I want to run away. I am just so tired.

The Wages of Sin is death. How well I know that. In so many ways I feel like my heart is black and dying ... from the price of my sin. I am lazy. I don't want to go through this. Hasn't ten years been long enough in the desert? Now how long will I have to trudge through this desert ... trying to make my way ... trying to find Him again? Ok ... perhaps I've been camped out living in the desert for 10 years ... now I'm on the move ... but hot is hot ... and alone is alone and hurt and desolation are hurt and desolation ... and shame ... it's the same whether the location is permanent or changing from day to day.

It's just too soon to be this tired ... that's almost all I can really think right now.


John F said...

All you need is one more day.... He will show himself faithful to you. Whether you are in the desert or standing at the Gates of Hell, He is there with you ready to deliver you. He arm is not short concerning you nor His hand lacking strength enough to pluck his "lost" sheep from the brink of destruction. Hang on girl!

Hbomb said...

Even the Israelites in the midst of the desert wanted to go back to Egypt, the place of their bondage. The good news is you are not in this alone. When Moses got tired of holding up his arms he had people around him to hold them up for him. We got your arms C, and you are not going back! Love ya girl.