Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Gettin something started ...

Soooo I couldn't sleep this morning ... too much on my mind. I decided to get up and root around the net for an interactive place to maybe start some -old school- dialouge. I checked out both MSN and Yahoo for groups or clubs space, and I think I prefer Yahoo, of the two.

So this morning I started In the Potter's Hands which is a yahoo group hopefully for us old and scattered friends to rejoin and begin to rediscover some old challenges and re-ignite some passion that has maybe slipped away for some of us.

I am hoping that someone will decide to step up and take responsibility for In the Potter's Hands as a type of ministry outreach. I do not feel at this point that I am even close to capable of trying to do more than get a fire started. I can't pretend that I'm in any place to lead ... I really really need some help following at this point.

So, I am hopeful. Maybe for the first time in a long time ... let's see where it goes ...

I'm trying to plant a seed ...


Hbomb said...

Cool...In the Potter's Hand sounds exciting, but don't know much about this kind of stuff, blogging is new to me, so what do we need to do? And I have been thinking about a book, just haven't come up with one yet. I'll let you know.

Hbomb said...

Ok, so could not find In the Potter's Hand. luck.