Tuesday, March 13, 2007


So RJ and I went to see 300 this weekend ... after a bit of arm twisting on my part. I had read Gates of Fire by Stephen Pressfield so I was a bit more up to date on what the movie was about than RJ, however, He was a real trooper! It was fantastic! It was pretty graphic and undoubtably violent, however, I think rightly so (the violence aspect) given what occured at the -Hot Gates-.

It was a mostly computer generated movie so it had a rather strange -feel- to it, however, I really liked most of it alot. I wasn't aware at the time that 300 was based on a comic by Frank Miller about the Spartans and their stand against Xerxes at Thermopylae. I disliked some of the more graphic sexual scenes, thankfully there were only two and they didn't show actual intercourse, only erotic imagry.

I think the reason I loved the movie so much is frankly, I love the story. I love the fact that it's about a stand against an oppressor that outnumbered 300 free men of Sparta, by hundreds of thousands. In spite of overwhelming odds, those men choose to fight and die free rather than bend their knee to worship Xerxes and serve him in bondage as slaves or vassels. They explified so many things about men that I think we have -progressed- out of them. They were strong, fierce, courageous, committed, unflinching, fearsome, determined ... so many strong characteristics that we can see from men of history are not lauded any more. They are presented as barbaric and uncivilized now.

Men in our society have become so emasculated and weakened by politcally correct passivism that it's really disheartening and disturbing to me. Our -popular- media culture tells us that men who are too strong, men who are too powerful in the leadership of their families, men who are alpha are to be -corrected- ... lack sensitivity ... lack culture ... . It's become almost impossible for alpha men in our western culture to manifest their dominant and powerful leadership because we have created a culture that lauds and celebrates the weak ... the passive ... the apologetic.

Feminism has driven our culture to a point that men must apologize for being men and for having natural drives of dominance. Women must apologize for being submissive to those dominant drives and must compete on an artificially constructed -even playing field- corporately that causes them to be more stressed, more dissatisfied, more unfulfilled than they have ever been before. And then we have the children who suffer most for the skewed apologetics that our society demands of strong men now - absentee fathers, divorce rates through the roof ... mothers at work and never at home (either due to economic necessity, absentee fathers, or their own ambition) ... it's no wonder our country is in such a mess. Men can not be men ... women won't let them ... society and the media won't let them ... and they have virtually given up all of their natural dominant rights to languish in the mediocrity that our society encourages. Standing out ... working hard ... setting an example really isn't even encouraged any more. Just do -enough- and go on home. That's it.

Oh for the days of 300 ... when Men were strong and fought with no apologies to protect their families, their homes, their country ... their freedom. And when women were PROUD of that strength ... not putting themselves up to compete with it ... or squelch it because they wanted their own power.

Ughhh ... for the days when Men would face great great odds to remain free. Sometimes I wonder what this country will have to come to before Men are able or -made- to rise up as Men again ... and women will have to take their rightful place, not as competitors who can do anything a Man can do and better by god ... but as compliments ... one to the other.


John F said...

Very well written C.

Dan said...

"We Shall fight in the shade!"