Friday, May 4, 2007


As I sit here with blood and plasma trickling down my leg, I have to confess that I am not quite sure why I thought I needed another tattoo. She's halfway finished but it's such an intricate piece Shane couldn't do it all in one day so now I have to wait three weeks before I can go back and go through this ALL over again. I really wanted to get it done in one sitting but it just wasn't in the cards for last night. When it gets totally completed I'll post a pic up here of her and freak everyone out! ~laughing~

It was interesting being in Shane's shop with him yesturday. He's a very interesting guy ... and has always been great to RJ and I but you get the feeling he is sort of dangerous too. Anyways ... as we talked last night before and while he was working I learned so much about him. He told me about his relationship with the Lord and why he only let's religion touch him but so much. He had a very difficult childhood with an extreme amount of abuse from his mother. She married a man that ended up saving Shane from so much stuff and even starting going to church with Shane. Six months after they starting going to church, he was killed in a trucking accident. Shane was only 11 years old but it was the only joy and hope he had had and he hasn't ever been able to understand how God could take away his stepfather when Shane needed him so badly ... and leave Shane, a little boy, defenseless and alone.

As he told me the story I just starting crying. It was such a stark reminder sometimes of how hard it is to understand when we see young kids go through so much stuff. There aren't always easy answers to "defend" God in situations like that. Sure when you aren't faced with a person in pain, asking the question ... we can spout off all sorts of apologetics or philosophy or doctrine but in the face of a hurting person who is now an angry, hurting adult ... those flip explanations sort of ring hollow to me. Jesus was such a simple man in all of his complexity. Last night ... I didn't know what Jesus would do if He had been there sitting visibly in the chair beside me. I just didn't know. So I did the only thing I could think of to do and that was listen ... and cry some ... and tell him that I was so sorry that he had had such a difficult life but in spite of that, I saw some really fantastic things in him.

I didn't give him the big "come to Jesus" spiel ... I didn't press for some "decision" ... Shane told me that he prays every single night but that he doesn't want a shove it down your throat religion ... I just tried to be a friend. As I lay on the table getting my tattoo another friend of his came in who is a Christian as well ... and they talked about a number of their friends who are ... and I realized that God has him surrounded so to speak. He is knocking on his door. I just can't help but wonder if I squandered the opportunity yesturday to impart something significant ... I just for the life of me couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't seem so flip after hearing his story.

Anyways ... everytime he changed gloves and started working on my girl he'd say "Konnichiwa" and we'd all crack up. In my defense I was delirious from the pain ... and all I can think this morning as I look down at the seran wrap covered ooze is ... Konnichiwa which means good day in Japanese. I hope your day is blessed beyond measure!


Kevin Thomasson said...

I think you were Jesus to him C. The Spirit did say things through you. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost wept through you to show that child of theirs that God does hurt for him. Keep being a vessel and don't worry about the words. We speak because we fear silence yet silence is when God is speaking to the heart.

Jan said...

It's great that you felt God's compassion and love for Him. Maybe that's just what he needed to see yesterday. Don't beat yourself up about it!

(Btw, Zack is learning Japanese... he wants to be a missionary to Japan! I hear that word at least ten times a day, as well as "arigato" which means thank you!)

Anonymous said...

Having met Shane myself... I can see that it is clear he has alot of anger inside... but at the same time he is such a nice guy that has alot of compassion. He is just rough around the edges and having heard his story from Caroline I can surely understand why. I went through alot of similar things that he did in some ways, though his was more physically violent than mine and I believe that you were right in just listening baby. In those times, anything more would have been interpreted as just another pat answer or yeah yeah I hear you but I don't really care. However you being silent and showing the way it moved you spoke more than any words could have said.

Reed Thomas said...

Caroline, people in Shane's situation have legitimate complaints and God is not offended by them. Pity and "pat" answers just make God look lame to them. Your response was precious and spot on for your friend. It looks like Shane already has a relationship with Jesus and is working things out. The best resource we all have are friends for the journey. Thanks for being Jesus with skin on for Shane. As St. Francis so aptly said - "Preach the gospel on all occasions, and when necessary use words."

Hbomb said...

I think what you did was awesome. I used to feel guilty for not "preaching" the gospel to my friends. But what I have learned in the past few years is that actions speak so much louder than words. I have had people I worked with become very close friends and though they knew where I stood on certain issues, we just chose not to talk about those things and be friends. I developed some wonderful friends and they watched my life. It has taken 4 or 5 years but now they are starting to open up to what I have to share...God works so much better when we get ourselves and our "religious" ideas out of the way.

John F said...

I have to agree with the other posts as well. Sometimes silence is best because then we can know how to pray. Isn't that the first thing we should do? I know what you mean that you feel like there is something you ought to say and if you say it, it comes out sounding stupid. Just let the anointings that God placed in you shine through. He will see Jesus in you. No question about it.

Kim's Hotrod said...

Listening to you tell the story made me cry too. That's fantastic that you were in the tattoo parlor in the first place. Allowing Jesus to be made known in places other Christians wouldn't dare venture. If Shane felt comfortable enough with you to share his story, he may be comfortable enough to allow Jesus to minister to him through you, maybe in ways you don't recognize.

I like what Reed said, sounds like he already has a relationship with Jesus. In fact, his relationship with God may be purer than mine. At least he's brutally honest with God.