Tat #1 : On my lower back ... this was the first -
The Original Picture:

Unfortunately with this picture you can't see the detail in the bottom flower but it's definitely a painful and memorable experience that your lower back inked! Time to complete - 2 1/2 hours
Tat #2 - left thigh -
The original picture:

The Tat:
We changed her hair color and again ... a lot of the detail is lost in shrinking the picture and with the low light in the room but she's my mermaid. Time to complete: 6 1/2 hours.
Tat #3 - right thigh -
The original picture:
The tat - in progress:

Her makeup has to be finished and there is some background color, design in her kimono and four kanji characters that will be added .. two characters for Loyalty and two characters for Sensuality ... together they carry a very deep meaning for me. I love this tat the best ... obviously it has lots of detail but it's far from finished. Time so far - 4 1/2 hours. It's maybe halfway done.
It still makes me hurt to even look at them...
please, please, please post the "bleeding photos" of this tat....
I think they are great.
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