This isn't a joke ... as shocking as the pictures of a Hasidic Jewish man seems in martial arts stances ... it's legit! The above pictures are of Grandmaster Yehoshua Sofer who is a world reknowned martial artist who has several world leaders' personal protection/security personnel under his instruction and guidance from the President of Moldova to the Prime-Minister of Israel. He often oversees high profile events from behind the scenes. He is a multi-disciplinarian martial artist who holds 7th degree black belts in Korean Kuk Sool Won, Hapkido (think Steven Segal here) and a 6th degree black belt in TukGong Musool (designed for elite military and intelligence agents in S. Korea). He also holds a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo as well as black belts in Taesoodo and Tangsoodo. In his youth he experimented with western boxing, Full Contact kickboxing, Choy Lay Fut, Tai Mantis, White Crane and Hung Gar styles of Kung Fu. Above all of these disciplines however, he is the founder of two Abir schools in Israel which are based on the principles of Israelite Warriors of Ancient times.
Abir בִּיר is a Hebrew word meaning powerful, a warlord, palace guard, protector of royalty, warrior, bodyguard, or a defender. It is derived from the three letter Hebrew root א-ב-ר, which means to soar above protectively. Biblical references for the word include the following sections of the Tanakh (an acronym that identifies the entire Hebrew -Bible- including the Torah תורה, Nevi'im נביאים, and Ketuvim כתובים) Genesis 49:24, Psalms 76:6, and Psalms 68:31.
While there aren't exact details of a martial art or system of fighting there are Biblical, Midrashic (Midrash is a Hebrew word referring to a method of exegesis of a Biblical text), and Rabbinic accounts that testify to fighting and combat styles used by the ancient Israelites as well as legendary depictions of Israelite combatants.
For example, According to Sefer haYashar (midrash) 56:9, it was no less than the request of Jacob on his deathbed to his son Judah that the Hebrew combat art be passed down to his progeny forever:
ויאמר יעקב אל יהודה: ידעתי בני כי גביר לאחיך אתה ומלך עליהם ובניך ימלכו על בניהם עד עולם.
אך למד נא את בניך קשת וכל כלי מלחמה למען ילחמו את מלחמות אחיהם המלך בכל אויביו
ויאמר יעקב אל יהודה: ידעתי בני כי גביר לאחיך אתה ומלך עליהם ובניך ימלכו על בניהם עד עולם.
אך למד נא את בניך קשת וכל כלי מלחמה למען ילחמו את מלחמות אחיהם המלך בכל אויביו
And Jacob spoke to Judah: 'I know, my son, that you are a master to your brothers and king over them, and your sons will reign over their sons forever. However, please teach your sons qashath [the Hebrew weaponless combat art] and every weapon of war, in order that they will fight the wars of their brother the king, against all his enemies.
It is regarding this timeless request of Jacob that King David, in the book of 2nd Samuel, was referring to in the opening line of his dirge over the deaths of King Saul and Jonatan his son:
יז וַיְקֹנֵן דָּוִד, אֶת-הַקִּינָה הַזֹּאת, עַל-שָׁאוּל, וְעַל-יְהוֹנָתָן בְּנוֹ. 17
17 And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son,
יח וַיֹּאמֶר, לְלַמֵּד בְּנֵי-יְהוּדָה קָשֶׁת, הִנֵּה כְתוּבָה, עַל-סֵפֶר הַיָּשָׁר. 18
18 and said: [It is mandatory] to teach the sons of Judah qoshath—behold, it is written in the book of Yashar
יז וַיְקֹנֵן דָּוִד, אֶת-הַקִּינָה הַזֹּאת, עַל-שָׁאוּל, וְעַל-יְהוֹנָתָן בְּנוֹ. 17
17 And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son,
יח וַיֹּאמֶר, לְלַמֵּד בְּנֵי-יְהוּדָה קָשֶׁת, הִנֵּה כְתוּבָה, עַל-סֵפֶר הַיָּשָׁר. 18
18 and said: [It is mandatory] to teach the sons of Judah qoshath—behold, it is written in the book of Yashar
The nation had just suffered a terrible defeat at the hands of the Philistines, in which both king and crown prince had perished. The wise king knew the only answer was to train the army in the foundation of Hebrew warriorship, Qesheth--the tradition of the Avoth (forefathers).
This fighting tradition was the very distinguishing mark of a Hebrew from an Egyptian. When Yoseph, whose identity was unknown to his brothers, orders that Shim`on be incarcerated (Bareshith 42:18-24) and his guards attempt to seize him, Shim`on lets out a roar that utterly confounds and frightens them. Finally, Yoseph orders his own son Manashe to arrest Shim`on: Manashe deals him a blow that humbles Shim`on instantly. As he is being taken away before his astonished brothers, Shim`on calls out to them (Sepher HaYashar, parasha Miqetz):
איש מכם אל יאמר כי מכת מצרי הוא, אין זאת כי אם מכת בית אבי
Let none on you say that was the strike of an Egyptian; this is none other but a strike from the house of my father.
This fighting tradition was the very distinguishing mark of a Hebrew from an Egyptian. When Yoseph, whose identity was unknown to his brothers, orders that Shim`on be incarcerated (Bareshith 42:18-24) and his guards attempt to seize him, Shim`on lets out a roar that utterly confounds and frightens them. Finally, Yoseph orders his own son Manashe to arrest Shim`on: Manashe deals him a blow that humbles Shim`on instantly. As he is being taken away before his astonished brothers, Shim`on calls out to them (Sepher HaYashar, parasha Miqetz):
איש מכם אל יאמר כי מכת מצרי הוא, אין זאת כי אם מכת בית אבי
Let none on you say that was the strike of an Egyptian; this is none other but a strike from the house of my father.
In the book of Samuel, David the son of Yishai and his men are said to have been fierce warriors able to take on hundreds of men. David's chief of the captains, Josheb-bas-sheboth killed 800 men in a battle (2 Sam. 23:8). Another commander, Abishai, killed 300 men in a fight (2 Sam. 23:18), and Jashobeam, another "mighty man" of David, killed 300 in one battle (1 Chron. 11:11).
Aluf Abir (grandmaster in Hebrew) has organized the Abir martial arts training based on bits and pieces of the art handed down through hidden, ancient Jewish communities. These techniques were used by his Israelite ancestors, to which there are direct references in the Bible, Talmud, and the Midrash, particularly Sepher HaYashar (Book of Jasher).
Abir is based on fighting techniques that he learned from his grandfather and father. The history is the idea that at one time ancient Israel had a martial art form using both hand to hand and weapons combat. As with all fighting styles, these techniques were both borrowed and learned from various cultures that the Isaelites encountered as well as creating their own using religious and cultural symbols. While all Jewish communities did not continue to train in these fighting styles, it is believed that some exotic Jewish communities in Arabia and in parts of Asia continued to maintain elements of the techniques, which for some become elements of ethnic Jewish dance.
The Twelve Tribes Principles and The Ten Emanations (These are very esoteric and intricate educational tools to understand the nature of combined movement and force in an application of the other principles directed into specific points of energy, mass or “targets” as well as the use of telepathy and hypnosis to direct or disable one's adversary)
This science as described in great depth in sources found throughout The Holy Torah are taught to “performers” of Abir, who regardless of their background in Jewish study and Torah Life, commitment/observance (or the lack of these) can begin training in this dance form that houses a deadly form…or formless system of self defense that is as effective today as it was in defeating the ancient military forces of Median, Ai, Eglon, Lah’ish, Canaanim, Khittim, Amorim, Prizim, Yebusim and Girgashim.
An Abir can be viewed as one who defends the palace that houses the Neshama (the soul), the Ruah (spirit), and the Gouf (physical body) within a circumference that is called one's Dalled (four) Amoth (designated spaces used as measurements) as commanded by G-d to defend; because inside a true Abir is housed a living Torah, for through its study the Abir seeks to internalize its wisdom, to become holy, pure, and to exemplify the very virtues that indeed describe the Abir of Israel that comprises the initials of this ancient Hebrew word (Aleph, Bet, Yod, Resh).
The Abir approach is based on a combination of the following elements.
Judaic principles found in the Torah
The Ancient Hebrew alphabet.
Philosophical principles and movements based on symbols surrounding the 12 Tribes of Israel.
Techniques passed down by Jewish communities such as the (Habbani Jews and Daghestani Jews)
Jewish dances from various exotic or ancient communities, which anciently were a part of the ancient Abir combat system.
Judaic principles found in the Torah
The Ancient Hebrew alphabet.
Philosophical principles and movements based on symbols surrounding the 12 Tribes of Israel.
Techniques passed down by Jewish communities such as the (Habbani Jews and Daghestani Jews)
Jewish dances from various exotic or ancient communities, which anciently were a part of the ancient Abir combat system.
The Hebrew Alphabet consists of 22 consonants and five word ending letters bringing them to a total of 27 letters in all that are assigned 7 special categories.
They are;
Take downs
Primary initiated attacks or
Secondary responsive attacks and
a natural flowing blend consisting of any two of these six categories or any one or more combined with another letter
They are;
Take downs
Primary initiated attacks or
Secondary responsive attacks and
a natural flowing blend consisting of any two of these six categories or any one or more combined with another letter
This gives a unique and familiar way to quickly assimilate complex dynamic martial arts combat techniques using these most familiar visual memory tools that give us 189 techniques. These 189 techniques are then learnt in conjunction with an additional 176 techniques that are designed to solve the most commonly encountered types of attacks with effective counters to various applications of those same seven categories performed.
Smikha level
The Musmakh (Instructor) refines his skills by learning an additional 248 techniques corresponding to the number of organs within the human body. This gives us the total of 613 (Taryag) techniques that correspond to the 613 positive and negative precepts that Jews must observe and keep in accordance with Jewish Law as required of us by The Creator in the Torah.
Smikha level
The Musmakh (Instructor) refines his skills by learning an additional 248 techniques corresponding to the number of organs within the human body. This gives us the total of 613 (Taryag) techniques that correspond to the 613 positive and negative precepts that Jews must observe and keep in accordance with Jewish Law as required of us by The Creator in the Torah.
Recoil Principle
It maintains that every return action of a limb returns as if propelled by the laws of gravity toward the torso with greater speed and virtually no stress in direct opposition to the same limbs stressful energy employed to launch an attack directed away from the torso. Recoil attacks are therefore the preferred choice of attack since they are stealth weapons which strike the indefensible anterior zone at the opponent’s hind or blindside while positioned directly in front of them face to face.
It maintains that every return action of a limb returns as if propelled by the laws of gravity toward the torso with greater speed and virtually no stress in direct opposition to the same limbs stressful energy employed to launch an attack directed away from the torso. Recoil attacks are therefore the preferred choice of attack since they are stealth weapons which strike the indefensible anterior zone at the opponent’s hind or blindside while positioned directly in front of them face to face.
The Haetz-Lula’ah (Arrow-loop)
Full- circle/never-lock striking with the arms or legs This is a totally unique method of striking. Use of the arm/leg as the striking surface is not limited to a specific area of the hand/foot but actually employs any surface from the fingers/toes to the elbow/knee at any angle along its circumference.
A strike can be initiated at point zero with the fingers pressing into the opponents liver only to curl in thus striking in deeper with the back hand and pressing consistently deeper as it flows into a driving lateral elbow strike across the gallbladder and pericardium to the spleen points in one circular scooping motion. Conversely, this attack which was executed with the right arm directed right to left could have equally been initiated at point zero with the elbow at the opponent’s kidney or liver culminating with the fingers in a left to right motion. Limbs stick to the never-lock principle to avoid joint damage due to hyperextension. The Arrow when launched as a frontal attack is actually vertical or horizontal and travels in a broad or narrow circle as opposed to the classical front kick which snaps between two stopping motions and moves in a short half circle if we look at it from the side view. The classical front kick and the side kick, whether snapping or thrusting, come to two full stops along the way to their completion and endanger the knee joint by exposing it to hyperextension when the leg is locked straight at the end of its trajectory. Another danger is encountered when such techniques are aimed at higher target zones as the body is placed in a very compromising balancing act that exposes the groin to counterattack, and the lower back to severe injury when and if impact is made. When contact with its target is missed there is even more danger of tearing the muscles ligaments or tendons.
Takedown and submission hold
With The Arrow, the leg never fully extends or hyper extends since it is never theoretically straightened. From the very initiation of each wipping circular motion, The Arrow never stops. On the contrary, it continues to build momentum and speed and can strike its target with virtually any part of the leg from the knee down to the toes depending only on the distance from the opponent and whether contact is made on the more vertical, horizontal or lateral phase of its circular axis. The ball of the foot, instep, inner or outer blades of the feet, ankle, shins or knee are all satisfactory striking surfaces as are the back, sides, and bottom of the heel when striking at various angles, to the sides or to the rear. The leg need not be stretched out since care is taken not to straighten the leg and full power is only achieved when the Arrow is launched with total relaxation. In fact, the act of releasing this deadly weapon tends to relax the limbs while strengthening them and gaining flexibility and mobility of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints with each additional execution. Ruakh Khayuth or Life -spirit pumped into the limb directed by Rahtson (guiding will) is all that is needed to launch this deadly weapon in an instant with maximum power.
18 Khai Rikudim
These are the 18 choreographed fighting dances that tie together the 12 tribes movement and fighting attributes (12 weaponless and 6 weapons forms) necessary to master Abir's 613 techniques. These 613 can be built upon to incorporate thousands more and are a mere guide to the keys behind achieving a balanced harmonious life steeped in holiness and purity with an integrated mastery of ones spiritual and physical matter (or khomer) embodying the virtues that make up the initials of an Abir.
Pretty interesting stuff. Unfortunately not a lot has been written about this martial arts form yet and there is a good dose of skepticism outside of the Jewish community as to it's validity. Surprisingly, some of the most vocal defenders are Arabs who will honestly say that it's a legit martial arts form but they are happy that others don't wish to take it seriously because of it's serious contention as a hard core fighting style. They are happy that Jews aren't interested in learning it. It has also been defended by a number of Rabbis and those who are familiar with the Holy Texts in the native language of Hebrew which I thought was pretty cool.
From the official Abir website:
What is an ABIR®?
ABIR®: Hebrew word meaning omni-powerful, a warlord, palace guard, protector of royalty, warrior, or bodyguard, a defender of those important to the very preservation of the nation and it's subjects, for without the people of Israel, there are no others to guard and keep the laws of The Holy Torah….the very reason that The Holy One, Blessed be He, in all of His loving kindness, created this universe and all things in it.
ABIR®: Hebrew word meaning omni-powerful, a warlord, palace guard, protector of royalty, warrior, or bodyguard, a defender of those important to the very preservation of the nation and it's subjects, for without the people of Israel, there are no others to guard and keep the laws of The Holy Torah….the very reason that The Holy One, Blessed be He, in all of His loving kindness, created this universe and all things in it.
An ABIR® can be viewed as one who defends the palace that houses the Neshama (the soul), the Ruah (spirit), and the Gouf (physical body) within a circumference that is called one's Dalled (four) Amoth (designated spaces used as measurements) as commanded by G-d to defend; because inside a true ABIR® is housed a living Torah, for through it's study the ABIR® seeks to internalize it's wisdom, to become holy, pure, and to exemplify the very virtues that indeed describe the ABIR® of Israel that comprises the initials of this ancient Hebrew word (ALEF, BETH,YOUD, RESH) אביר .
The first letter א stands for אמונה (Emunah), this means FAITH and means that the ABIR® is faithful to The Al-mighty One and is himself worthy of his fellow people's belief in him since he is truthful.
ביטחון (Bitakhon), signifies the second letter בwhich stands for Trust. Trust is also Security and the Abir® trusts in G-d above all. He is secure since he provides an atmosphere of trust and security because the ABIR® is trustworthy himself.
The letter י stands for יראה (Yirah), meaning FEAR signifying the ABIR®'S fear and reverence of G-d. An ABIR® fears nothing and nobody else …but he is feared by the wicked who have wronged or threaten the weak, elderly, helpless, righteous or otherwise innocent for the ABIR® embodies רחמנות (rahmanuth) which means compassion and mercy.
It is spelled with the ר (resh)
representing the last initial. If one seeks peace and harmony, surely the last person he/she can expect to confront in battle would be a kindred soul who is compassionate and merciful .It is for this reason that this initial so befits being last in order. There are three types of people an ABIR® has no mercy for-
they are:
murderers, swindlers, and evildoers
The ABIR® guards The King (or מלך “melekh” in Hebrew) who represents The Creator who is The King of the universe. However in modern times students of ABIR® the ancient Israelite warrior or “martial” art can also see themselves protecting the essence of their own internal being in proper safety and balance as the'' king'' in his palace (the body) since the word for king in Hebrew has three letters that signify three of the human body's most vital internal organs.
The Brain מח (moakh) מ
The Heart לב (lev) ל
The Liver כבד (kahved) ך
These three organs represent life itself within a physical body as they should appear in proper order. The brain represents authority or control by virtue of it's intellect and reason over the emotions represented by the heart and the liver which is the “motor” that generates force in the lower of the three organs that are all located in the center of one's body. The heart is just to the left and the liver is just to the right while the brain is directly in the center at the “crown“ illustrating its ideal vantage point to direct the lower two organs. This is a concept in the Torah which teaches us that a true leader must act with wisdom above emotion or force. Nowhere is this clearer than when at war. When we reverse the first two letters in the Hebrew with the heart placed above the mind, we have למך (lemekh) which means a fool .
The above example is a typical demonstration of how Jewish tradition and wisdom are intertwined with the esoteric side of ABIR® The Warrior Art. While the concept is mystical in nature, one can see purity of logic in a form of wisdom simple enough for anyone to apply in combat as well as in one's daily life. ABIR® makes continuous use of the Hebrew aleph-bet as without this, one could not receive the many beautiful lessons, concepts, laws and basic principles dressed so elegantly in the language of the ancient Israelite.
The Brain מח (moakh) מ
The Heart לב (lev) ל
The Liver כבד (kahved) ך
These three organs represent life itself within a physical body as they should appear in proper order. The brain represents authority or control by virtue of it's intellect and reason over the emotions represented by the heart and the liver which is the “motor” that generates force in the lower of the three organs that are all located in the center of one's body. The heart is just to the left and the liver is just to the right while the brain is directly in the center at the “crown“ illustrating its ideal vantage point to direct the lower two organs. This is a concept in the Torah which teaches us that a true leader must act with wisdom above emotion or force. Nowhere is this clearer than when at war. When we reverse the first two letters in the Hebrew with the heart placed above the mind, we have למך (lemekh) which means a fool .
The above example is a typical demonstration of how Jewish tradition and wisdom are intertwined with the esoteric side of ABIR® The Warrior Art. While the concept is mystical in nature, one can see purity of logic in a form of wisdom simple enough for anyone to apply in combat as well as in one's daily life. ABIR® makes continuous use of the Hebrew aleph-bet as without this, one could not receive the many beautiful lessons, concepts, laws and basic principles dressed so elegantly in the language of the ancient Israelite.
(to be continued ...)
I just wanted to thank you for sharing the song "Rescue" in your player. We do this song at church, and I've heard other versions of the song. But I'd not heard NewSong do this one. It brought me to tears as I sat here worshiping, knowing that my heart's cry is, almost daily, "RESCUE ME!!!!!" The older I get, the more I become aware of what I need rescuing from.
To see this guy demonstrate the "One Sword" is really hilarious. You see this old guy dancing with a sword, but just when your guard drops... WHAM. I can picture David, Joshua, and many other strong biblical figures singing songs and approaching battle with this sort of mentality and it really charges my spirit. Why not dance and praise God in the midst of the battle? We should worship Him in everything we do. So many songs talk about praising God with all of our strength... but to see it demonstrated so awesomely as this guy does... it makes me want to do it as well!
When will RJ grow his hair out with the curls and the black hat like the pics. Truly Ninjas for Jesus!
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