Most of the folks sitting in our section had piercings, tattoos, different hair or some other socially -outspoken- visual statement, for lack of a better term. We were all treated so warmly ... with so much genuine caring and welcome that it was like a breath of fresh air. The church is very multi-cultural and relevant but it's clearly also a place that welcomes -who so ever would cometh-. It was something else to see some of what our society would view as -radicals- praising God and learning about Him.
I suppose that I would have always thought of myself as one who would be the -nilla- or boring, plain section of the church by visual standards until I came home yesturday and looked in the mirror. I had to laugh, considering what a picture RJ and I must make these days. Me with fuzz on top of my hair, three earrings in one ear, two in the other, rings on my fingers and toes, a silver anklet, and two tattoos barely visible at the hem of my shorts. RJ with two gauged earrings in his ears, no hair, and tattoos in several places including his legs, and a goatee. ~grins~ I suppose to others we don't look so plain or -blend- as easily as we used to. At any rate, it was a fanstastic service and I can't wait to go back.
The message was "For Such A Time As This" and it was highly inspiring as well as challenging. If you haven't taken the time to see "A Night With the King", it might be an interesting sit down for -date night- or some other time. A lot of people think it's a chick flick but I think the message is profound regardless of gender, so guys, perhaps you'll score points with the Mrs. if you sit down and watch it with her! ~winks~
As I was thinking of the message today on my cherished drive to Starbucks for my daily fix of Iced Venti Caramel Macchiato, I confess that I had to wonder how it really applies to my life (both the message yesturday and the message of Esther). The sermon was delivered by an interesting and charismatic fellow named -Rock- and he spoke about the importance of understanding that God will use your gifts and talents for such a time as this to do His work in the Kingdom. He will use whatever means are needed to fulfill his work and that everyone has a purpose that God intends to use in His work. I think the message really spoke to Shane a good deal partially because not many people see a -tattoo artist- as someone who could be used greatly in the Kingdom, you know? I see it as an open mission field personally though and he is certainly bringing people to church and sharing with them. At any rate, Rock also talked about winning our entire generation to the Lord and this obviously ties in with God using whatever talents and gifts that we have in winning this generation to Him.
So ... I look around me and then I read the story of Esther again before starting this blog ... and I confess ... I'm no further along in some aspects of understanding what this really means for me ... but I'm definitely open to hearing from the Lord about it. ~grins~ In the book of Esther we see that there was a time (12 months) of preparation before she was to see the King ... including being oiled with perfumes and myrrh. Of course, we are told that in the Bible oil may be used to signify cleansing, self purification, and annointing. Also of course we know that it was used as a cosmetic because of the arid conditions of the region to keep skin supple and moist. At any rate, we see the time of preparation and then we see that she has ONE night, or ONE occassion in which to be choosen by the King. She will either have his favor or she won't. Interestingly, the Lord, through her obedience gives her favor with the King and she then comes into a position of power.
I have to wonder ... what is my -for such a time as this- Assignment. Is it to reach the kids in our care for the Lord? Is it to follow the part of my heart that longs to go overseas? Is it to discover some hidden thing that I've yet to uncover about myself ... a gift or talent and to use it? I don't know ... yet ...
What is yours?
1 comment:
Is it possible that you may have found a church home??? Glad to hear you had a good time. Remember to keep it Real!!!
Like that was ever a problem for you
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