Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Twittering and other rambling ...

Ok I got this flipping Twitter thing turned on ... maybe it's late or I hooked it up wrong or something BUT ... I'm totally lost dudes! ~laughs~ Perhaps it will blossom in time to actually make some sense to me. Hopefully my cell bill won't blow up from all the txting!

Today was an exciting day ... RJ up at 4:45am to go to morning prayer with the Mens and we were back at the church tonight for Womens Warrior time and Praise and Worship practice of RJ. It was a great time all in all ... AND we got rid of two of our 6 kitties tonight. I was sad to see them go but it is TIME and necessary!

It's been great having the time to read blogs from Cubbie, Jan & Greg, and John and Helen lately! It's especially neat to read blogs about what is happening in other churches ... the sameness of the messages ... the confirmation of God's heart for our world. I've had a lot on my heart prayer wise lately ... so I can't wait to read the good reports from everyone concerning what God's doing in your parts of the world. Love you guys!



Hbomb said...

OK, I found you on twitter but apparently you have not allowed others to follow or view you or something because it wouldn't let me follow you without an invitation. If you are worried about your text bill (Johnny does tweet a lot) you can follow us just on the computer. All you do is check follow. In order to follow us on your phone you have to check notifications on. Hope that helps, I have to go get ready for school now. There are people I follow, but some of them I only follow online because it would get very costly to follow on my phone.

Kevin Thomasson said...

I'm following you too...

twitter me...