So the last 48 hours have been quite a ride but you know ... that really IS how God rolls ... never predictable ... always astounding! Check out RJ's blog for the lowdown on church Sunday ... it was phenominal!
The REST of the story is that after our long lunch with Shane and Rachel we went home and I started researching their case through the North Carolina Real Estate Commission. I crafted a letter for him to send to his realator and we are believing for supernatural favor in the entire situation. Whether it's a new building that is more condusive to ministry or it's the existing building that gets re-zoned. We spent all day on Monday at the existing shop (not open for business) with Shane and Ricky and tons of people who just dropped by to check on the status of the shop, sorting receipts and working on our strategy. We dropped letters off at the real estate office AND sent them certified mail so please please please be praying.
The coolest thing was getting to SEE the changes that the Lord has made in Shane in EVERY way. He was sharing the Lord with everyone who came around ... not in a pushy way but in an -I am completely unashamed and committed- way. He has a friend that we met a few years ago named Red who is very close to him and VERY VERY anti-Christian on the surface. He is bitter and angry and defensive ... but honestly, when I see him ... I see a hurt little child who is afraid that he is going to lose all his friends to God. I think he was trying to be kinda hostile towards us yesturday but I didn't see it ... all I could see was hurt and fear. Shane just took him around back and talked to him about God and it was really fantastic. Red is afraid that he will lose all his friends and you know ... he's afraid of what he'd have to change and all that to be a Christian but ... it's clear, God is walking him down.
Anyways ... along with all our time at the shop working on the financial stuff ... we hooked up with one of our former residents, Nick. We have had many kids that impacted our lives over the last 3 years but I don't think anyone has touched us in quite the way that Nick did. We STILL have a picture of Nick on the fridge at the cottage. When he came to us he had long hair, he was angry, smoking lots of dope, and completely resistant. He was with us an unusual 119 ... we are only supposed to have them for 60 days but this really worked out in a fantastic way for us to ge to keep him so long. Long story sorta short, he returned to his family but still struggled with a number of issues and ended up going to Job Corps for a while but he has never really -found- his place so to speak.
We reconnected with him about a year ago through myspace which we frequently use to try to keep up with some of our kids ... but we only just exchanged a few messages in passing. He was busy and well you know ... one's former house parents may tend to cramp one's style. Anyways ... a few weeks ago I was reading his myspace and realized that he had enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and would be leaving soon. I sat and cried when I read it ... for a number of reasons ... pride and fear mostly I suppose. Of course the military has a very special place in my heart but it's always personal for me when we know someone going in. At any rate, we messaged Nick to get in touch with us and finally exchanged numbers and agreed to meet before he leaves in a couple of weeks. Well he called yesturday as we were leaving to go to the shop, so RJ went to pick him up while I met up with Shane and Ricky to start work.
During the course of our time hanging out and working I realized that Nick had already quit his job to go into the Corps but his departure date had been delayed. He was living in an apartment with no electricity and had been for two weeks. He didn't even have a job so I have no idea how he was eating ... he's already too skinny! ~laughs~ ... I had a quick conference with RJ which essentially consisted of me saying ... "Rich, Nick's electricity has already been turned off and he has been living there for two weeks with no phone and no electric" ... to which RJ responded by looking at Nick and saying, "So you'll be staying with us for a few weeks huh?". God, I love that man! Soooooooooo we have a house guest for a couple of weeks until he leaves for MEPS ... I am so happy to have him here ... he's a great young man now at 19 and he's so excited about going into the Corps. I believe that he is making a great decision for himself and that he needs this to gain a sense of accomplishment that he hasn't been able to attain previously.
The pic is of RJ and Nick this morning in front of the house. The way the Lord works ... it's indeed mysterious sometimes. Pray for us please ... for the tattoo ministry ... for Nick getting ready to go ... and that we will have the chance to say the things that God would have us say to Nick during this time before he goes.
I love you guys!
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